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  • One paragraph on the formation of the Nationalist and Communist parties, the northern expedition and the transfer of power from Sun Zhongshan to Jiang Jieshi and the oppression of the Communists.

    The History of Sino-Japanese Relations as seen in Japan’s Most Popular Travel Guide 2006

  • Sun Zhongshan, recently returned from the United States and Europe, was elected provisional president of the Chinese republic by delegates from 16 provinces meeting in Nanjing.

    1908-12 2001

  • Sun Zhongshan was forced out of his base in Guangzhou by “reformist” militarist Chen Jiongming (1878–1933), who from the previous year had given Sun his protection.

    1919-20 2001

  • Sun Zhongshan and associates in Japan organized the Tongmenghui (usually translated as “Revolutionary Alliance”), an amalgam of anti-Manchu groups dedicated to overthrowing the Qing dynasty.

    1899, Feb 2001

  • Sun Zhongshan headed a secessionist government in Guangzhou (Sept.), from which he was expelled by militarists in 1918.

    1916, March 22 2001

  • Yuan Shikai was elected provisional president of the Chinese republic by the National Assembly, just two days after Sun Zhongshan relinquished the position in order to unify the country.

    1912, Feb. 12 2001

  • By the end of the month Sun Zhongshan fled to Japan.

    1913, March 20 2001

  • Following the Russian Revolution of Nov. 1917, a Guomindang newspaper congratulated the Bolsheviks, and Sun Zhongshan cabled his compliments to Vladimir Lenin (1870–1924) personally.

    1918, Jan 2001

  • Having learned in January of his incurable liver cancer, Sun Zhongshan died.

    1925, March 12 2001

  • From that point, he showed sympathy for the populist thought of Sun Zhongshan (Sun Yat-sen, 1866–1925).

    6. Vietnam, 1902-1945 2001


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